Saturday, April 27, 2013

New Shortbread Member!

In honor of this beautiful weather, and the greens that grow as a result, I've decided to add another seasonal shortbread flavor: BASIL.

There was beautiful basil up for grabs in the discount section of Monterey Market this past
Been bakin' away all day.
week and I couldn't pass up the opportunity to incorporate it into the shortbreads! It's a beautiful ingredient to add just alone--it's delicious in its simplicity. After tasting the final result, I feel like these could be paired with anything ranging from sweet or savory flavors. After visiting INNA Jams  in Emeryville this week and buying some beautiful spreads, my mind immediately thought of pairing their Seascape Strawberry jam with the shortbread. Perfect pairing of sweet and savory.

While experimenting with this new seasonal flavor, I simultaneously made more batches of the existing trio of shortbreads! I'm now offering the goods in rounds instead of squares for more uniform and even cookies. Pictures of everything to come!!

Meanwhile, all of the pickles are bubbling away in their crocks...

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