Thursday, November 14, 2013

Holiday Break!

Hi Everyone!

I just want to start by saying thank you
 for all of the love and support while
Ferments + Flour has been growing and getting its start on Good Eggs! I've been kept so busy and happy and love the feedback about all of the pickles and shortbreads!

Although the holiday season is a great time to spread more joy and get really busy baking and fermenting, I've decided to put Good Eggs on hold and focus more on the blog and personal orders. I have NOT completely stopped making F+F products, I'll just temporarily not be distributing through Good Eggs throughout the holidays. During this time I wanted to create more products, experiments with different ingredients, and continue to perfect what I've already been making! I've updated the blog to display all of the latest products just in time for the holidays! If you're local and have a special request (cookie or pickle orders of any size or combination), I'm more than happy to accommodate you and work something out! In the meantime I will also be working on finding a place to permanently carry my products on a shelf so they can be physically bought as well!

Since there will be seldom internet action without Good Eggs (even though you can still purchase on this blog), I will definitely be posting recipes and other food related posts while I'm busy baking in the kitchen!! I still love to cook almost anything, and love even more to share the ideas and recipes!

Thanks so much everyone! Don't hesitate to email with questions or requests! And keep on the lookout for more new products as the seasons progress!
